Fee Payment Policy

The tuition fee is payable in two advance installments i.e. (Sep. to Jan) & (Feb to Jun). However, the parents may pay the same in 10 monthly, timely installments.
Monthly payment facility neither affect the yearly fee structure nor parents liability towards school; Full Term fee is payable in the case of admission or withdrawal during the term.

Transport Facility

Fine and Penalties

The fees/dues Payment must be made by the 10th of each month.
A fine of SR 5/- per child per day will be charged after the due date.
If the Fee remains unpaid until 20th day of the month, the student will be barred from attending classes.
If the fee remains unpaid till the end of the month, the student’s registration will be terminated. If the School Fee is paid after the registration termination, a rejoining fee of SR 500/- will be charged.
This is a fixed policy, therefore no further reminders will be sent and no discussion entered into.
In case of one-month absence without information or leaving School without written notice, Security Deposit will be withheld & admission will be cancelled.
Re-admission will be subject to the availability of seat and re-payment of all admission dues, fee defaulters will not be allowed to continue in the School until all School dues are paid.

Withdrawal from the School