

The School has well-maintained,spacious and well-illuminated classrooms,conference rooms and option rooms with multimedia teaching equipment,high quality furniture and modern amenities to create effective learning teaching environment.

Our Computer Laboratories are come around frequently by students and faculty members . Students use IT labs not only to learn their subject matter but also to conduct research work and prepare assignments. The labs are equipped with the latest technology which supports learning needs in 21st century.Facilities are regularly updated to keep pace with the rapid changes in the field of information technology.

Computer Labs


Science Labs

Adequate laboratory space is provided for each student with sufficient gas, electrical, and water outlets with the special attention towards safety precautions. Shut-off switches are provided for gas and electricity Safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire blankets, fume hoods and first-aid kits are placed in each lab. Lockable cabinets are available for chemicals or dangerous equipment. Chemical containers are labeled with the name of the chemical. Students wear protective lab coats and gloves while working with chemicals.
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At PISJ-ES, mental and physical development goes hand in hand. Sports and games play vital roles in education. Keeping the importance of sports in mind, PISJ-ES facilitates its students to play different sports along with the physical education programme including Football, Cricket, Tennis and Squash in well maintained playgrounds and squash court.

PISJ-ES has well stocked libraries for all grade levels with educational resources including varied selection of novels and literary texts, periodicals, research articles, biographies, encyclopaedias and historical texts. Moreover, Libraries are supported by qualified librarians and are well lit and ventilated. It is a place where students explore their imagination and create different and better worlds beyond the one they live in.



Nutritious and healthy food helps developing smart minds and strong bodies. Our cafeteria provides students with healthy snacks choice while keeping the quality and hygiene standard on priority, creating an overall sanitized ambiance.




A full-time Doctor is available in the school’s clinic to attend to the health needs of children as and when required. Our clinic is well equipped with the medical apparatus and other facilities. First aid is immediately administered to a student if he/she sustains an injury or illness during school hours. In Junior School, once in two months, a complete health check is provided for the children. This includes a dental and eye check, along with the child's hygiene. Information with regard to any concern is sent home to parents.

Parents, who wish to avail school transport facility, are requested to provide us the Google Map coordinates to make it convenient for all of us.
Please follow the steps below to find out your location coordinates.

- Go to Google Maps (https://www.google.com/maps)
- Find your location and either Left Click on it or Right Click then select “What’s here?”
- Your location detail will pop up in the upper corner of your screen.
- copy it to share with School’s transport department via email “ transport@pisjes.edu.sa “

To double check the accuracy of your selection, copy the number at the bottom of the address in Google home page and it should immediately recognize it as the coordinates and will take you there on the map. For example here are the PISJ-ES coordinates: 21.551386, 39.232526. If any minor adjustment is required please do so to be accurate and share the accurate coordinates with Transport Department.
