Leave Policy

Good student attendance is essential for learning as it ensures the proper utilisation of valuable instructional time. For this reason, the School equates attendance with academic achievement and establishes policies and procedures designed to encourage and require students to be in school.

1. All leaves supported by the Medical Report / Other documents are required to be submitted within three (3) days of sickness.
2. Vacation leave applications are required to be submitted before travelling.
3. Inability to apply leave according to the policy will be considered as unapproved status.
4. Late applications will not be approved
5. After 30 days of unapproved leave/absence, the admission stands deferred.
6. No leave is permissible during Tests/Exams except acute medical reason of the student.

Approved Leaves(Leave):
In case a student is unable to attend due to reasonable circumstances or commitments, they are required to submit a leave application for approval. If the leave application is approved, the student is required to makeup for anyexams that were missed. (See Annex A –Leave Application Form) Leave applications are processed under the framework outlined below:

  Acute Medical Reasons Family Necessity or Dependent Care Transfer of Sponsorship
Maximum Time in one session 30 days 15 days30 days
Required Documentation Recommendation by a licensed health Hospital (polyclinic not acceptable) Basic information about the family member or dependent, (with medical if any)Letter of Induction or authorisation for active/impending workplace
Important Information

Recommendation by a licensed health Hospital (polyclinic not acceptable)

If the absence exceeds 30 days, the student should discontinue and apply for re-admission when they are able to return to active study.

Basic information about the family member or dependent, (with medical if any)

If the absence exceeds 15 days, the student should re-apply for the approved leave. In case the leave is not approved and the leave period extends 30 days, the student should discontinue and apply for re-admission when they are able to return to active study.

Letter of Induction or authorisation for active/impending workplace

If the leave exceeds 30 days, the student should discontinue and apply for re-admission when they are able to return to active study.

Unapproved Absences (Truancy):
A student is considered unexcused or truant when absent without valid cause for a school day or any portion of a school day. If a student’s absence is unapproved, they do not receive credit for any graded work or tests that were missed.
▪If a student is truant for more than 15 consecutive days in a term, a warning letter is sent to the parents. (See Annex B –Attendance Warning Letter)
▪If a student is truant for more than 30 consecutive days in a term, the student is classified as ‘No Show’and the School reserves the right to defer their admission.
Tardiness is not acceptable because it disrupts the classroom environment and the morale of the students who are on time and develops a negative future working habit of being late.A student is considered tardy if less than 10 minutes late to class.
▪Students entering the School 15 minutes after their prescribed arrival time must obtain a‘Class Entrance Pass’ from Student Affairs Office. Students are not allowed in their classrooms without this pass.
▪Students are not allowed after 30 minutes of their arrival time after which the gates are closed.Parents are informed of the late arrival of their wards by the Student Affairs Office on the same day.
A ‘Tardy Alert’is given to the students who are frequently late. The record is maintained in students’files and reflects on their report cards. The fourth tardiness in a month is investigated; if tardy stands, it is recorded on a discipline notice. Parents arenotified andfurtheraction canbe taken.(See AnnexC–Late Arrival Warning Letter)
Early Leave/Pick-Up:
A student may be allowed to leave early or picked up in case the student isunwelland the parents have been intimated by the School itself or if the parent has sent a prior note /call stating the relevant reason one day before the pickup needed.
▪ Early leave or pick up is not allowed without any valid reason, medical appointments or proof of urgency.
▪ Early leave or pickup isnot allowed during tests andexamsunless warranted by an exceptional caseor medical urgency.

To download student leave form Click Here
