Bus Transport Policy

School Bus Rules:

Note* : The bus facility will be extended subject to availability of seat.
Students will receive ongoing instruction in safe bus riding procedures. Bus drivers will explain expectations to students starting the first day of school and continue the guidance process throughout the year to enhance the safety of the children being transported.

   1) Students should follow directions of their bus driver. This demonstrates respect to those with authority who are trying to keep us safe or maintain order.
    2) Students should be at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus arrival. They should be waiting in a safe place, clear of traffic and 12 feet from where the bus stops.
    3) Students will wait in an orderly manner and avoid playing (when waiting at property belonging to others, we should respect that property and take care to leave it undamaged).
    4) Students will cross the roadway in front of the bus after the bus has stopped, they have looked at the driver for a hand signal, and they have looked in both directions for traffic; left, right, left (This is a safe walking habit that protects students while traveling to their bus stop).
    5) Students will signal the driver with a waving motion if something is dropped and wait for the driver to give a signal before picking up the object (Never lose sight of the driver or do anything that would make him lose sight of you!!!
    6) Students will go directly to assigned seat when entering the bus and keep the aisles and exits clear. This is orderly behavior. An orderly bus minimizes distractions and is safer for students to:
a) walk down the aisle or
b) respond in the case of a sudden stop or emergency evacuation.
    7) Students will remain properly seated, back against the back of the seat, bottom against the bottom of the seat (safely seated within the compartment) and keep hands to themselves (respectful to others and their personal space).
    8) Students will not drink or eat or carry gravy based food or chew chewing gums in the bus to maintain a neat and orderly environment.
    9) Students will not carry animals, glass objects, nuisance items, hazardous materials, or dangerous and risky tools onto the bus (maintains a safe environment for all riders, even in case of an emergency or accident.)
    10) Students may carry only objects that can be held in their laps (This helps us maintain an orderly environment and reduces safety issues that would occur in the event of a sudden stop or emergency evacuation.)
    11) Students will refrain from using loud voices, profanity, and / or obscene gestures, and respect the rights and safety of others.
    12) Students will not extend head, arms, or objects out of the bus windows (This is important to student safety in every circumstance. This is a non-negotiable safety issue and a major offense when broken.)
    13) Students will stay seated until time to get off the bus. The driver will signal when to get up from the bus seat if you are at your stop.
    14) Students will help keep their bus clean and in good, safe condition (This helps us maintain an orderly and safe bus and is respectful to the next group of riders who will use it).
    15) In case teachers are travelling in the same bus, students have to follow their instructions to maintain discipline in the bus.
    16) Student has to inform driver or school management in advance if he/she does not intend to go to/from school with bus assigned. This causes unnecessary delay for all other passengers.
    17) Students may cancel the bus service with one month prior notice. In this case the bus service cannot be resumed for following six months.

Documentation: Bus driver will maintain daily written documentation of all occurrences in the driver daily logbook.

Verbal Reminder:
Bus drivers will remind the student of the bus rule(s) not being followed. Parent / Guardian notified in writing:
1. Violations that should be considered major offenses include, but are not limited to the following:
        a) possession of cigarettes, lighters etc.
        b) throwing objects off the bus
        c) fighting and / or trying to intentionally hurt someone, including pushing or shoving
        d) carrying of dangerous instruments and incendiary material
        e) threats/bullying (verbal and physical threats)
        f) harassment of any kind
Such violations should be reported immediately to the School Administration on a Bus Discipline Form.
When student behavior escalates beyond a driver control or is not improved after using the appropriate intervention steps, the bus driver will submit a bus discipline form to the school office.
on receipt of Bus Discipline Form, the Student Affairs department will counsel the student and will warn the student verbally if required. If the behavior of student is not improved after 2 such warnings, school administration will contact parents and following corrective measures may be adopted based on:
        a) the severity of the misbehavior
        b) number and frequency of the student bus referrals.

Corrective Measures:
ReferralJunior School Middle School High School
1st Referral 1 Day Bus Suspension 1 Day Bus Suspension 1 Day Bus Suspension
2nd Referral 3 Day Bus Suspension 5 Day Bus Suspension 10 Day Bus Suspension
3rd Referral 5 Day Bus Suspension 10 Day Bus Suspension 15 Day Bus Suspension
4th Referral 10 Day Bus Suspension 15 Day Bus Suspension Bus Suspension for Remainder of School Year
5th Referral Bus Suspension for Remainder of School Year Bus Suspension for Remainder of School Year

The School Administration may tailor consequences to account for individual circumstances in each situation. The goal of assigning consequences is to bring about the desired student behavior on the school bus and the Transportation Department supports any consequence that achieves that goal